Billa II is an upcoming Indian Tamil gangster-thriller film directed by Chakri Toleti. It is a prequel to the 2007 film Billa and would focus on how David, an ordinary man from the coastal regions of South Tamil Nadu, becomes Billa, a dreaded underworld don, with Ajith Kumar reprising the role of the titular character.
Yuvan Shankar Raja, who had also worked on the score of Billa (2007), composed the soundtrack and score of Billa II, becoming his fifth project starring Ajith Kumar. The album would reportedly feature six tracks, including one promotional video song. Muthukumar agreed to write the lyrics for the songs. In a departure from convention, the lyrics were penned first which were set to tunes later.
Track listing
No. Title Singer(s) Length
1. "Gangster" Yuvan Shankar Raja, Stefny 4:07
2. "Idhayam" Shweta Pandit 4:04
3. "Yedho Mayakkam" Yuvan Shankar Raja, Tanvi Shah, Suvi Suresh 4:22
4. "Madurai Ponnu" Andrea Jeremiah 3:55
5. "Unakkulle Mirugam" Ranjith 4:18
6. "Billa II Theme Music" Yuvan Shankar Raja 1:56
Total length: 22:42
Download Link:
Source 1 : Click here
Source 2 : Click here
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